Rich Raisin Muffins

Yields: 8 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 25 Mins Total Time: 40 Mins

These are named “raisin” muffins, but use dried cranberries if that’s what you prefer!  I usually use whatever is in my pantry!  This is another of my Grandmother’s recipes…actually, it is a recipe that I found in a cookbook put together years and years ago by the ladies from her church.  Probably a fund raiser of some sort, or part of an anniversary celebration for the church.  I find that those are some of the best recipes…made with love for, sometimes, generations!  I’ve made these vegan, of course!  Something that never would have occurred to my Grandmother or any of her friends!

What Are Church Cookbooks?

It’s hard to find current cookbooks of this type anymore!  A lot of churches don’t have potlucks after Sunday services; it’s so much easier for everyone to head off to the nearest buffet for lunch.  So sad!  If your church does have potlucks, I bet the recipes are not in a cookbook!  It’s so easy to email the recipe for your famous casserole or tell everyone that you got it from a certain website.  Back in “the day”, women kept their recipes secret, only to be shared for that fundraiser cookbook or a special occasion for the church.

Just For Breakfast?

We don’t save these muffins for breakfast either!  We snack  on them, slather  them with butter and pick  at them all day long…I had to act quick to get a picture of the finished product!


These muffins are exactly what the title says…”rich”!  It is a very thick batter, it cannot be poured.  So, don’t worry when it’s much thicker than a normal muffin batter.  Make sure to use refined coconut oil.  Refined has a neutral coconut flavor!  The recipe also makes about 8 muffins, so make sure to fill the empty muffin tin spots with a little water before baking.  Enjoy!


0/10 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/4 Instructions
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Prepare muffin tin by spraying with an oil spray.
  • Combine ground flax seed and hot water. Let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Cream refined coconut oil and sugar. Add flax egg mixture. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add flour mixture and milk alternatively to oil, sugar, flax mixture. Make sure it is well combined.. Stir in vanilla. Stir in raisins. Don't beat too much or muffins will be tough!
  • Bake for 25 minutes or until browned. Enjoy!!!

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