Like a lot of women, I’ve been on every diet known to mankind. In fact, it’s surprising to me when a woman who is beyond her thirties doesn’t know that a serving of chicken is the size of a deck of cards. I heard some of you laugh just then! Well, being on all of those diets has put my body through the wringer! Not to mention, my brain and my emotions. Potatoes are good, then bad; what is the latest super food; how many ounces of water should I drink per day; how much exercise is good; gluten-free or not; I could go on and on and on.

Around 2013, I read the book, “Don’t Eat This Book; Fast Food and The Supersizing of America” by Morgan Spurlock. The descriptions of the way animals are processed for our consumption made me sick to my stomach. Even now, I gag a little when I think about it! Anyway, that put me off meat of any kind for about 6 months, but it also got me interested in anything to do with nutrition as far as our diet is concerned. I watched and read whatever I could get my hands on that discussed animal protein consumption and health, the planet and animal rights.

In July, 2017, my father had his third heart procedure. While he was in the hospital, I was going to stay in the hotel room with my mother. You see, she had mild cognitive issues and needed help every so often. After staying with her, I was surprised and saddened at her condition. My father was her caregiver and hadn’t really shared with us kids the extent of her issues. A couple of weeks later, my husband and I watched the documentary, “What The Health” on Netflix. We knew from all of the other documentaries we had watched and all of the books I had read, that cutting out meat, eggs and dairy could help with chronic disease and also dementia. At the end of the film, my husband looked at me and said, “That’s it! We’re vegan! Except for cheese!” Thus, the name of this website!

We don’t eat cheese though! I went cold turkey (pun intended), but Todd was more vegetarian, eating cheese. At his cholesterol checkup with the doctor, his cholesterol had actually gone up after 3 months eating this way…and he was taking medication for it! The doctor asked how much cheese he was eating and Todd replied, “In a day?” After that, he was all in and we haven’t looked back! We were 51 years old at the time.

Three years later, I’m not skinny minny! My health is better though and I know that the changes I have made are good for me in the long run. I did lose weight initially and my cholesterol went way down. But then, life happened! My father passed away and my sister, brothers and I have had to take on the role as parent for our mother. Moving her first into a retirement community, then assisted living and then a memory care facility in late 2019. My daughter started college and went far, far away from home and now, Covid!

So now, I am following a truly plant based diet. I focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts/seeds. I try to limit my oil and sugar. I want to experience life with my husband, children and one day, grandchildren, for as long as I can. Will you go on this journey with me? Whether you go “cold turkey” or ease into it, I promise you will feel and look better fairly quickly!